What Are The States With The Cheapest Land?

cheap land for sale


This is a great state if you are a country music fan. You can buy property that is pretty close to Nashville. Also, there is Graceland, if you are like Elvis Presley.

You won’t have to pay income tax, which can put money back in your pocket. The overall cost of living is also pretty low. The weather is also pretty warm year-round.

The only cons are really tornadoes and traffic, if you live near one of the larger cities. Other than that, it is a good location to buy cheap land.


There are some great cities, and the food is great – though you will have to watch your waistline. You have plenty of options when it comes to transportation – there are a lot of roads and highways and airports. Public transportation is very limited, though.

The school system is a big consideration though, since the public schools are chronically underfunded. You would do well to buy land in an area that is near a private school. The colleges, on the other hand, are fantastic.

While the land is cheap, poverty has been a problem throughout the state. Also, there is a lot of wilderness, and along with that comes the creatures that live in it. Find out if your land is near that.

West Virginia

Along with the cheap land, you will find that the cost of living in this state is very competitive. There are also a lot of outdoor adventure options if you like doing that sort of thing. If you like small cities, then this is the state for you .

While some of the other states are warm year-round, you can enjoy all the seasons in West Virginia. Also, if you decide to become a farmer, there will be plenty of rain for your crops.

If you are not interested in making produce, you may find the job market a challenging one. That is because coal is becoming less of fuel source, and that is what many people did for work in West Virginia. You may want to get a job before buying the land.

Each place has its own pros and cons, but if you want to spend a lot less on land, then these are good options. Just do your research before you pay any money – that way you can enjoy everything while having money set aside.